Crónica de una epidemia anunciada: Incorporación etno-medica del migrante nicaragüense a la nación costarricense en los tiempos del cólera
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Universidad de Costa Rica
La manera en que las sociedades se organizan para atender problemas de salud publica causadas por enfermedades contagiosas a menudo revelan rasgos importantes de sus culturas políticas nacionales. La campana contra el cólera coordinada por autoridades del gobierno costarricense a inicios de la década de los anos noventa tuvo como soporte imaginario discursos nacionales que crearon una asociación simbólica entre esa lucha y valores históricos centrales de la cultura política de Costa Rica. Lo anterior coadyuvo tanto a darle sentido y
forma a varias de las tareas realizadas por dichos funcionarios, como a evitar que el grupo minoritario identificado previamente como el principal portador de la enfermedad (conformado por migrantes nicaragüenses) resultara marginado del sistema de salud, contrario a lo sucedido con otras minorías en Latinoamérica.
The way in which societies organize themselves in order to solve public health problems often reveal important characteristics and changes in national cultures. This is the case of the Costa Rican campaign against cholera, during the early 1990s, in which governmental authorities used national discourses that created a symbolic link to historical values of Costa Rica's political culture. These values not only were key factors in shaping and giving meaning to the successful public health response to this epidemic, but also promoted the inclusion of Nicaraguan migrants (a group surreptitiously identified as potential vectors of cholera) to the public health system, in marked contrast to what happened to other minority groups in Latin America during the same pande
The way in which societies organize themselves in order to solve public health problems often reveal important characteristics and changes in national cultures. This is the case of the Costa Rican campaign against cholera, during the early 1990s, in which governmental authorities used national discourses that created a symbolic link to historical values of Costa Rica's political culture. These values not only were key factors in shaping and giving meaning to the successful public health response to this epidemic, but also promoted the inclusion of Nicaraguan migrants (a group surreptitiously identified as potential vectors of cholera) to the public health system, in marked contrast to what happened to other minority groups in Latin America during the same pande
Palabras clave
Cólera, Epidemias, Migración, Salud pública, Etnicidad y medicina, Costa Rica, Cholera, Epidemics, Migration, Public health, Ethnicity and medicine